Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Blog is Born!!

Today is the first day of my blogging life. After many years and countless hours in front of this screen reading other people's thoughts and writings, I have finally got this blog started. I am not sure where these blog posts will lead but I believe it will be interesting road to travel.

The name comes from my favorite parable found in Luke's Gospel (Lk 15:11-32). It is my favorite parable because it  reflects all our lives. I doubt there are none of us that have not lived the life of a Prodigal Son in one way or another. I admit that I have "longed to fill (my) stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating" many times in my life; after being wasteful and frivolous with all that God had provided for me. My loves were all wasted and spent recklessly on selfish needs and pleasures. But, unlike the Son in Jesus' parable, I am not a fast learner or traveler. I am still struggling on that long road home to my Father and know that "while I am still a long way off, my Father sees me and is filled with compassion for me." The scripture never states how long the Son was out in the world squandering his wealth. Was he in his 20's...30's..40's...or like me and in his 50's? Whatever age, we all find ourselves thinking and dreaming of going home and making amends for all we have done.

The parable of the the Lost Son is such a great example of the Church  also. So many story lines can be gleaned from it because there are so many things that are not mentioned or explained. Did the lost son stay or did his old wasteful self rear its head and drive him away again?..or did his acceptance back into the fold drive the older son away because of the fear of losing his "earned" spot at the Father's side? If you were to look around the pews of your church you could find fellow members that can fit the mold of either son.

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