Perhaps it’s time to rethink not just birthright citizenship, but citizenship in general, and what it means.
Perhaps to be a citizen should be defined as being able to partake in the running of the country, and those unwilling to do the things necessary to become one will have to accept the decisions of those who have done so, or find another nation in which to reside, one perhaps more congenial to their lack of civic responsibility. That is, citizens would be eligible to vote and run for or be appointed to public office — civilians would not.I have the most respect for immigrants that love this country so much that they go the extra mile to attain citizenship.
We cannot see God except as he is made manifest through us, and in the covenant of marriage his faithfulness is beautiful
Liberals and the tolerance crowd have no concept of "hallowed ground"..even when faced with evil people and beliefs.
What a bunch of gibberish