Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cooper the Hoarder

Has been a while since last post. Haven't been available mentally or physically to come up with a new post, and from the enormous amount of comments it seems that I am shouting into an empty cyberhole anyway. Just wanted to speak about Cooper tonight.

As I posted earlier, Copper is my dog given to me by lovely wife for my fiftieth birthday. He is a, shall I say, a very "unique" specimen of the canine world. He is mixture of Shih Tzu -Lhasa Apso- Poodle mix. (I nicknamed him a Shits-a-lotta-poo)  He was supposed to have been the size full grown like in the picture below.

Oh...isn't he cute!...and small

But he grew larger,,,and larger....and larger
and this is from his slimmer days.=============>

Now , on top of being 4 times the size we expected, he has become somewhat of a hoarder. Like those poor people that have the mental condition that makes them want to hoard things. He will gather all his toys and pile them up in the middle of the floor and stand vigilant guard over them. He possessively growls and shows his teeth whenever we even look like we will come close to "his area". Soul-mate thinks it is so cute and funny but I feel it has evolved into somewhat of a psycho mental condition in my opinion. Hopefully there won't be a news account on the Fox2 @ 9 of a "Man loses hand trying to clear a path to his door...wife found buried under pile of chew toys"

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