Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cooper the Hoarder

Has been a while since last post. Haven't been available mentally or physically to come up with a new post, and from the enormous amount of comments it seems that I am shouting into an empty cyberhole anyway. Just wanted to speak about Cooper tonight.

As I posted earlier, Copper is my dog given to me by lovely wife for my fiftieth birthday. He is a, shall I say, a very "unique" specimen of the canine world. He is mixture of Shih Tzu -Lhasa Apso- Poodle mix. (I nicknamed him a Shits-a-lotta-poo)  He was supposed to have been the size full grown like in the picture below.

Oh...isn't he cute!...and small

But he grew larger,,,and larger....and larger
and this is from his slimmer days.=============>

Now , on top of being 4 times the size we expected, he has become somewhat of a hoarder. Like those poor people that have the mental condition that makes them want to hoard things. He will gather all his toys and pile them up in the middle of the floor and stand vigilant guard over them. He possessively growls and shows his teeth whenever we even look like we will come close to "his area". Soul-mate thinks it is so cute and funny but I feel it has evolved into somewhat of a psycho mental condition in my opinion. Hopefully there won't be a news account on the Fox2 @ 9 of a "Man loses hand trying to clear a path to his door...wife found buried under pile of chew toys"

Monday, August 16, 2010

Sunday night musings...

Ahhhhh! All is good! Soul-mate made it home and the dogs and I are so happy that the pack is now complete. The dogs can now feel like they can eat (they never eat while Soul-mate is not home)

Had a wonderful Sunday. Church this morning and then a nice drive to retrieve Soul-mate who was spending the weekend with our dear friend, Nancy for an (early) birthday celebration  Nancy really needed some "Leslie Time". And Leslie needed some "girlfriend time" also. Nancy and her attended the church she has recently started attending. We are so happy that Nancy has found a place to worship and get connected to God. (Prayers answered for us..Yay!)

Since this Sunday night is winding down, I wanted to share some things I found interesting. First is from our worship service this morning. Luke 12:49-53
49"I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! 50But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed! 51Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. 52From now on there will be five in one family divided against each other, three against two and two against three. 53They will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law." 
That scripture jumped out to me as being very prophetic. Jesus is divisive. The mere mention of His name will stop a conversation cold in many a group and setting. Families have been torn apart because of Jesus and the desire of one to believe, follow, worship and be a disciple of Him.

I found this article very interesting and encouraging. I am a converted Lutheran after spending years within the confines and restraints of a "charismaniac" church I attended. I left that church because I needed a church that would stick with scripture and be more "Cross Centered". I was a sinner and no matter how many hours I spent holding my hands up high, praying in tongues, attending Sunday morning and night services, plus Wednesday service, and Thursday prayer, I still sinned against God in thought, word and deed. Yet, this church taught that if you believed that you were a sinner, then you needed more faith. Yet this church in the article is not your typical non-denominational, come as you are type of feel good church that so many mega churches are. Check out his website
Chaddick's church is the antithesis of mass-produced middle-American neo-Protestantism. While Joel Osteen's brand of cul-de-sac Christianity suggests that you can get a perfect, prosperous life and a six-bedroom mansion through faith and regular church attendance, Reality LA, which doesn't advertise itself, is at once much more reactionary and much hipper, the small-batch alternative to the Walmart-esque megachurch. Reality's teachings are distinctly antimaterialistic, instructing followers to screw the six bedrooms and forget about the house—the church encourages members who would donate money out of obligation not to give at all and rents a high school for worship rather than owning a building. Chaddick also preaches that being born-again isn't a magic bullet that will suddenly absolve you of sin or torment. "Our lives are ones of continual repentance, and to repent just means to turn away," he says. "Perfection is not required, but progress is possible."

That guy almost sounds Lutheran with his understanding of the concept of original sin and Jesus' death to atone for our sins; but he definitely doesn't worship like a Lutheran. There are many fellow Lutherans that would frown not necessarily at the message but the style of the messenger. Lutherans needs to stop being so judgmental on how things are done and start worrying about what things are not being done. Number one being the reaching of the unchurched or ex-churched.